piano lessons in saint louis for kids

Semesters - Answers To Your Most Common Questions - Updated Spring 2021

Semester questions

Whether you are a current student, a parent of a current student, or you are interested in enrolling in piano lessons soon, I'm sure you have a lot about how piano lessons work with STL Piano Lessons.

Worry not.  We have answers for you and here they are!

When does the Spring semester begin:
January 11th, 2021

What are some other important dates for the fall semester:

  • Enrollment opens:  December 6th, 2020

  • Enrollment closes:  January 4th, 2021

  • Vacation:  April 26th - May 2nd

  • Recitals:  TBA

How do I enroll:

  • If you ARE NOT a current student, you will be able to enroll a month before the next semester.

  • If you ARE a current student, you will be automatically enrolled.

What if I want to enroll after enrollment closes?  Can I enroll mid-semester:
No.  Once enrollment closes, we will not be taking any new students until the next semester opens for enrollment.  If you do not enroll by January 4th, you will have to wait until our next semester to get in.

How much is tuition:
We are excited to now offer simplified tuition!  No more variable tuition.  The rates are as follows:

  • 60 Minute Lesson​s

    • Pay Up Front For Semester:  $1040

    • Monthly Payments:  $285

  • 30 Minute Lessons

    • Pay Up Front For Semester:  $720

    • Monthly Payments:  $190

How do I pay my tuition:
You now have two payment options.  You can either pay upfront for the semester at a discounted rate or you can make monthly payments.  When you enroll you will have the option to choose which one you want to do.  Tuition will be auto-charged to your account just like our monthly tuitions are now.  Once you enter your payment method into your account (credit card, debit card, or checking account), you are all set.  All billing will be done automatically.  Semester payments will be billed when the student enrolls or on the first day of the new semester.  Monthly payments will be billed on the first of every month.

Do I need to re-enroll every semester:
No.  Current students will be automatically enrolled in the upcoming semester unless they give written notice (via email) that they want to cancel lessons.

What if I want to drop out mid-semester:
We ask all of our students to commit to a full semester of lessons. If a student wants to drop out mid-semester, that is their prerogative, but they will still be responsible for paying for the entire semester. No refunds. If you want to cancel at the end of a semester, you can do so by sending us an email.

What if I want to take a vacation during the semester:
Students, and teachers, will get a one-week vacation at the end of each semester.  If you want to take a vacation during the semester, you will have to cancel your lesson(s) with your teacher that occur during that time.  If you let your teacher know 4 hours or more ahead of time they will send you a video lesson through your online account for the week(s) you miss.

Are there any other changes to the school policies due to the change to semesters:
Not many.  Most of our policies will remain the same, but there are a few that will change.  Please CLICK HERE to download a PDF of our new school policies.

What if I have more questions:
If you have any other questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page by CLICKING HERE.  You can also hit reply with any questions you have and I am happy to answer them for you.

We could not be more excited to have you on board this spring!

Look At That Motorcycle

“We are the music makers,
    And we are the dreamers of dreams”

-Arthur O’Shaughnessy/Willy Wonka

Look at that motorcycle

It’s my 8th birthday and I’m jumping out of my skin in anticipation of what might be behind the enormous piece of plywood my parents have carefully placed across the entrance to our living room. “We’re waiting for Grandpa to get here,” my mother cheerfully says, as the seconds continue to tick by, ever so glacially. 

My grandpa FINALLY arrives, walks across the kitchen, peeks behind the plywood, and exclaims “Oh my, look at that motorcycle in there!”  I assumed from the look of annoyance on my mother’s face that he’d given away the surprise, as I tried to pretend that I hadn’t heard him. 

I could hardly contain my excitement- “I’m getting a motorcycle!!!”  I immediately began to speculate as to how many girls the only eight-year-old boy in his school could pick up.

The plywood was pulled back and they had me close my eyes, as they led me slowly into the living room.  Images swirled in my mind. “Was it dark blue… or even better… shiny red, with gold sparkles?  What color is my helmet?!?  Do I get to wear cool boots and leather gloves?!?!?”

Suddenly, they stopped me in the center of the living room.  The moment of the big reveal had come!  “OK, open your eyes,” I heard someone say.  I opened them. There, sitting right before my eyes, was…. a piano. 

I did my best impersonation of an excited boy, but I suspect that the look on my face revealed a less-than-enthusiastic response from what my parents had hoped for.  It took a while for my mom to forgive my grandpa for having built up my expectations, but it took absolutely no time at all for me to realize that I’d been given one of the greatest gifts anyone could ever receive:  the gift of making music at the piano.

The piano and I have been best friends ever since, always there for me whenever I needed to express whatever emotion required expression in any particular moment.  In fact, there’s never been a time when I didn’t walk away from playing the piano not feeling at least a little more alive than when I’d started.

My goal is to spark that same lifelong passion for making music in my students, whether they wind up doing it in a professional capacity, purely for the sake of enjoyment, or they simply need a friend to turn to who will always be there and will never let them down.  

Since everyone learns differently and has different musical interests and goals as to what they want to achieve, I carefully tailor my teaching methods to the learning styles of each individual student.  I especially enjoy teaching students with special needs (or “special gifts,” as I prefer to say).  

But regardless of the type of student, the common element is a desire to give students a fundamental understanding of the language of music, so that no matter what style(s) they want to play, whether by ear or via the printed page, they know what it is they are expressing.

Making music is, after all, and above all else, about communicating in a way that bypasses the head and goes straight to the heart, which is why, like Sondheim, I consider teaching to be the sacred profession. As Oscar Hammerstein said, “By your pupils, you’ll be taught” and at the end of the day, I find my students to be my greatest teachers. 

Who could ask for anything more?

The Piano As An Extension Of One's Self - Part 1

Part 1: Video Games, Athleticism, And The Keyboard

The piano as extension of one's self

Growing up I was into sports…and video games. From basketball to martial arts, I always proceeded to balance it out with a healthy dose of Mario Bro’s or Ninja Turtles.  For every minute spent sweating on the court or in the dojo, I had equal if not more time invested seated on a rug with a controller in my hands, my gaze riveted to a TV screen, my body contorting in hopes to make the characters on the screen move with me to avoid imminent death. One was three dimensional and the other quite two dimensional, but both were very much mentally stimulating, so I rarely, if ever, saw much difference between them, nor saw a need to discern between the two.

They were the Ying and Yang of my day until eventually there came a point where I continued to improve at videogames but plateaued at sports. Much to my chagrin, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't force myself to jump higher, or run faster (and the more I strained, the worse it got), but in videogames, I could always refine my movements to be quicker and more accurate, and so a disparity arose that grew with time.

My young mind didn't have the insight or analytical skills at the time to realize something that was not revealed to me until much later, after graduating from college: in videogames, it is not so pivotal how you press the buttons physically—what your legs are doing, whether your shoulders are raised with static tension if you’re breathing well—as the game/avatar does the majority of that work for you, but in sports, the how of running, jumping, passing, kicking, or what have you, is where the true skill lies, what the majority erroneously call “natural talent”.

The new Michael Jordan documentary lays this out pretty clearly, as they make it evident that Michael was not innately good at basketball, losing often to his brother and performing averagely his first years of high school, but what Michael had on top of his unparalleled grit, determination, and competitive spirit was what dancers call “poise”.  A graceful and elegant bearing to his person that promoted balance and equilibrium throughout his body which in turn gave him that suspended quality when he would jump through the air to dunk the ball (hence earning him the moniker “Air” Jordan). 

Growth in any skill is always slow and steady, but it is poise (or rather, the continued maintenance of poise, for we all have this beautiful freedom of movement when we are young children) that gives us that extra lift after years of hard work and study, adding exponential growth to our skill curve and potentially catapulting one to be the best in their field.  Great examples include Muhammad Ali, Serena Williams,  and yes, pianists like Arthur Rubinstein. Poise is both physical and mental, and as a term applies so aptly to the world of piano and piano technique, as playing a keyboard instrument is, in my opinion, the ultimate hybrid between sports/martial arts and video games. 

Such a statement begs the question: “what importance does poise have to an instrument that is seemingly so nonathletic?” and even more importantly, “how does one continue to regain poise that they may have lost through years of screen watching and reading/writing, while learning a new skill as complex as the piano keyboard?”

We have only just touched on this idea of poise as it relates to making music and playing the piano, but I hope this primer will set the stage to explore this concept in further detail in a way that is more relatable to a majority of people. I look forward to diving deeper into this concept in my next blog post and breaking things down!                                                           

Semesters - Answers To Your Most Common Questions

Semester questions

Whether you are a current student, a parent of a current student, or you are interested in enrolling in piano lessons soon, I'm sure you have a lot of questions about how semesters will work once we begin them in September.  

Worry not.  We have answers for you and here they are!

When does the fall semester begin:
September 14th, 2020

What are some other important dates for the fall semester:

  • Enrollment opens:  August 2nd, 2020

  • Enrollment closes:  September 8th, 2020

  • Vacation:  December 21st - January 3rd

  • Recitals:  TBA

How do I enroll:

  • If you ARE NOT a current student, you will be able to enroll starting August 2nd.  You can enroll via our Enroll page on our website by CLICKING HERE.

  • If you ARE a current student, we will contact you via email to get you enrolled in August.

What if I want to enroll after enrollment closes?  Can I enroll mid-semester:
No.  Once enrollment closes, we will not be taking any new students until the next semester opens for enrollment.  If you do not enroll by September 8th, you will have to wait until our next semester to get in.

How much is tuition:
We are excited to now offer simplified tuition!  No more variable tuition.  The rates are as follows:

  • 60 Minute Lesson​s

    • Pay Up Front For Semester:  $1040

    • Monthly Payments:  $285

  • 30 Minute Lessons

    • Pay Up Front For Semester:  $720

    • Monthly Payments:  $190

How do I pay my tuition:
You now have two payment options.  You can either pay upfront for the semester at a discounted rate or you can make monthly payments.  When you enroll you will have the option to choose which one you want to do.  Tuition will be auto-charged to your account just like our monthly tuitions are now.  Once you enter your payment method into your account (credit card, debit card, or checking account), you are all set.  All billing will be done automatically.  Semester payments will be billed when the student enrolls or on the first day of the new semester.  Monthly payments will be billed on the first of every month.

If I am a current student, do I have to make the switch over to semesters:
Yes.  All current students will be converted over to semesters and will be asked to commit to a full semester of lessons starting on September 14th.  When enrollment opens, we will contact you via email to get you enrolled for the fall semester.  You will have your normal month to month lessons right up until the week of September 14th.  Please note that you will have two separate charges in September.  One will be a prorated charge for the first two weeks of lessons in September as you finish out your month to month lessons.  The second will be your charge for the upcoming semester with your new tuition.  

Do I need to re-enroll every semester:
No.  Current students will be automatically enrolled in the upcoming semester unless they give written notice (via email) that they want to cancel lessons.

What if I want to drop out mid-semester:
We ask all of our students to commit to a full semester of lessons. If a student wants to drop out mid-semester, that is their prerogative, but they will still be responsible for paying for the entire semester. No refunds. If you want to cancel at the end of a semester, you can do so by sending us an email.

If I am a current student, will my tuition be changing:
Yes.  All students will be paying the new tuition.  When we contact you to enroll in the fall semester, you will have the choice to pay upfront for the semester or set up monthly payments.

If I am a current student, will my schedule be changing:
No.  Unless you and/or your teacher would like to change your schedule before then, your schedule will not change from what it is now.

What if I want to take a vacation during the semester:
We are eliminating our current vacation allowance policy.  Moving forward, students, and teachers, will get a two-week vacation at the end of each semester.  If you want to take a vacation during the semester, you will have to cancel your lesson(s) with your teacher that occur during that time.  If you let your teacher know 4 hours or more ahead of time they will send you a video lesson through your online account for the week(s) you miss.

Are there any other changes to the school policies due to the change to semesters:
Yes.  Most of our policies will remain the same, but there are a few that will change.  Please CLICK HERE to download a PDF of our new school policies.

What if I have more questions:
If you have any other questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page by CLICKING HERE.  You can also hit reply with any questions you have and I am happy to answer them for you.

We could not be more excited about this new direction and the way it will impact our students, our teachers and our school as a whole!  We can't wait to see our students shine this fall!

Semesters Are Coming Fall 2020

Semesters are coming

Why Change To Semesters?

Our biggest goal is to help our students achieve their goals. We want our students to thrive and become the musicians they dream of becoming! In order to do that, it is important that we hold them to a higher standard than those who are standing on the fringes, casually interested in the piano. We are asking our students to step up so that we can step up as well!

We care deeply for our teachers and we want to see them flourish. We believe it is important that our teachers have students who show up, do the work, and improve. Our teachers deserve consistency in their schedule as well as the satisfaction of a student who makes real improvement. As a teacher, it is so heartbreaking to put time and energy into a student to only have them quit 2 weeks later. We want our teachers to have the experience of a lifetime with students who are all in and ready to go the distance!

How Will It Work?

There will be 3 semesters per year - Spring, Summer and Fall. Each semester will be 16 weeks long. This will include 14 weeks of lessons and a 2-week vacation at the end of each semester.

There will be two recitals at the end of each semester (1 online and 1 in-person).

All students will be required to commit to the full semester.

We will have open enrollment for one month prior to the beginning of each semester. Once the semester starts, enrollment is closed until one month prior to the next semester.

All current students will automatically be enrolled in the next semester unless they choose to drop out.

What Will Be Changing?

No more vacation allowances. Instead, students, and teachers, will have a 2-week vacation at the end of every semester.

No more month to month agreements. We expect big things from our students so we are asking for a bigger commitment. Students now must commit to a full semester instead of going month to month.

A new focus on recitals. We want to give our students the chance to show off their hard work. We also want them to have a clear goal to work towards. The focus of each semester will be to get our students ready to perform at the recital at the end of each semester.

What Will Stay The Same?

Weekly, private one-on-one lessons. Students will still have private weekly lessons (online or in-person) with one of the top professional musicians in St. Louis!

Same schedule. Your lessons will still be at the same time on the same day every week.

Our online portal. All of our students will still have their same account in Teacher Zone with access to lessons of their videos, lesson assignments, chats with their teachers and much more!

When Does The Next Semester Start?

Our fall semester will start in September. Enrollment opens on August 2nd.

Why online piano lessons are better

why online piano lessons are better

Times are changing. And change is hard. It’s weird. It’s uncomfortable. But it also can bring a lot of great opportunities and chances to learn.

So don’t be afraid. Life goes on. Life always finds a way.

And today, the way for many of us is the internet.

While we are a big proponent of in-person lessons, online piano lessons are the way of the future. It’s a platform to learn in ways we never thought possible. We want to embrace the future and we want to ensure you that the future is bright.

A lot of folks have been asking about our online lessons. Are they really as good as in-person lessons? Can you really learn the piano over the internet?

Our answer is ABSOLUTELY! Technology has come so far that there is little difference between online lessons and in-person lessons. As a matter of fact, online lessons have quite a few advantages over in-person lessons.

So we thought we would share with you our…

Six Reasons Why Online Piano Lessons Are Better Than In-person Lessons

  1. No commute. We all have busy lives and the time it takes to drive to and from piano lessons is valuable time. Without having to drive to your piano lesson, you just bought yourself anywhere from 10-30 minutes of free time each way. Imagine what you could do with that much extra time in your day?

  2. No more driving kids all over town. Now your kids can take their lesson in the other room while you get a little alone time. Perhaps you can use that time to clean, work, cook or catch up on Netflix. Whatever you want to do - it’s your time!

  3. Easy and simple. Technology has come a long way. With all the amazing online platforms we have now, all you have to do is click a link and you are ready to go. You can set up your computer, phone or tablet right by your piano or keyboard and you are all set. Let the learning begin!

  4. Access to amazing teachers even if you live in a remote area. The internet connects us all, no matter where we live. We have had a lot of folks who were really interested in lessons but the drive to their teacher was just too far. With online lessons, we can bring the world’s best piano instructors right to your home! Problem solved.

  5. You don’t have to wear pants. This is probably the best part of doing anything online. Just like working from home, you can take your online lesson while staying in your comfy clothes. No need to get all dressed up!

  6. Safe. Whether you are worried about getting sick, getting someone else sick, going out in the cold, or driving in extreme weather conditions, online lessons keep us all safe in our homes while allowing us to connect and communicate with each other. Even if it’s “snowmaggedon” outside, you can still have your lesson!

Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of benefits to in-person lessons. We still highly encourage our students to come out from behind their laptops and participate in the real world. As great as technology is, we still need to be in the same room as other people sometimes.

But when that just isn’t an option, online lessons give us all the same value that in-person lessons do and as you can see, they even offer a few advantages.

The point is the show must go on. The world needs music. We need to keep living our lives no matter what is going on in this crazy world of ours. Don’t give up on yourself or your future when it gets hard. Keep an open mind and look for solutions. They are always there.

And with online piano lessons, the solution for continuing your music education is here.

Why people quit taking piano lessons

Why people quit taking piano lessons

Starting piano lessons is really fun. It’s always really exciting when someone starts. They get excited and see the possibility of it all. They dream about all the songs they are going to learn how to play. They picture themselves playing at the next family gathering and everyone singing along.

And we, as teachers, can see the hope in their eyes. It is such an inspiring and fun time for any student as well as any teacher.

But the inspiration and excitement never last forever. Those are just chemically induced emotions that go away as soon as the chemicals dry up. And the chemicals always dry up eventually. What is left after the initial inspiration wears off?

Reality. And the reality is this…

Learning anything new is hard

Learning the piano is hard. Learning anything is hard. And it takes a lot of time and effort. I think the number one reason people quit taking piano lessons is they start to see how hard it really is. Once they realize it is going to take some time and effort, they become overwhelmed. The voice of self-doubt starts to kick in and they begin to doubt that they have what it takes to stick it out.

The truth is they do. We all do. But many times we let that voice become so loud that we can’t hear the truth anymore. Once that voice is yelling in our ear, we will do anything to make it stop. This is when most people quit. Quitting makes the voice stop.

But there is another way to make it stop. And that is by NOT quitting.

The voice goes away either way. By running away from it or from facing it and yelling back. So many people choose to run away. It’s easier. It’s quicker. And then they can move on to the next thing they hope will bring them the happiness they crave. But those of us who stick it, get to feel something that these other people don’t.


Victory shuts the voice down for good. It closes the argument. It allows you to settle into the life you have chosen. It gives you the freedom and solace from the wariness of constant searching. If you are continually searching for the next best thing, you will never find it. If you constantly live in the mentality of “I’ll be happy when…” you are by definition damning yourself to a life of unhappiness.

If you give up when it gets hard, you will never experience the good part. The victory. The victory is what causes the inspirational and fun emotions to return. The victory is where we all crave to be but tend to give up or let ourselves off the hook right before we get there.

Simple, but not easy.

The answer is simple but not easy. The answer is don’t quit. Don’t give up on something that you cared enough about to look up how to learn it, reach out to a stranger to teach it to you, and then give that stranger some of your hard-earned money to show you how to do it. You would never put that much effort into something that wasn’t really important to you.

If you took all these actions to get here, don’t give up on yourself now. The good part is coming. It is closer than you think, but you will never find it if you keep bailing right before it happens. You need to yell back at that voice of self-doubt and tell it you are doing this no matter what it takes. It will shut up eventually once it sees you are serious.

And then you will be able to settle down and get to work. Even more, you will be able to enjoy the work because you will know why you are doing the work. You are no longer teetering between giving up and sticking it out. You have made the conscious choice to go on.

Our promise to you.

Once you make that choice to go on, it is only a matter of time until you finally experience the victory you have so badly craved. It’s all up to you. It’s all in your mind. And we are here to help you along every step of the way. We won’t give up on you if you promise to not give up on yourself.

Sports Vs. Music: Which One Should Win?

Sports vs. music:  which one should win?

We are all pretty busy people these days. And kids are no exceptions. There is no shortage of after school activities out there for them to choose from.

There is so much to take in and try when you are a kid. You want to try everything and see what you like. And you should do as much as you possibly can.

But eventually we all come to the inevitable fork in the road. The truth is no one can do literally everything and at some point you have to make a choice.

I know this is something that parents struggle with a lot. What should you encourage your kids to do? When is it ok to let them quit something even if you think it is important?

The big mistake that many of us make.

I think one of the biggest conflicts we see with music lessons is sports. I have seen many students come and go because their practice and game schedules become too overwhelming. And instead of looking at the big picture, most kids, as well as their parents, choose the sport over music.

I think this is a big mistake.

Don’t get me wrong. I love sports. There is so much that kids learn from being part of a team. They learn discipline, physical fitness, teamwork and so much more. In no way am I saying that your kids should not play sports.

What I am saying is before you make the decision to drop one or the other, it’s important to really think through where that choice will lead.

I think many tend to look at music lessons as a fun hobby. And sure, it is a lot of fun. But it is a lot more than that. It is a life changing experience.

Through music lessons kids learn a lot of things. They learn discipline. They learn the rewards of hard work. They learn to appreciate different cultures. They learn how to open up their minds to new things.

What makes music the best choice?

I think one of the biggest reasons to choose music is that with music kids are learning a highly specialized skill that many don’t possess. This has incredible value. Whether they choose to pursue a career in music or they just want to play music in a band on the weekends, music lessons will give them a unique skill that they can use for the rest of their lives.

I know it’s fun to play baseball. And your kid may be really good at it. But if he doesn’t go to the major leagues, what else can he do with that skill? It may get him a college scholarship, which would be amazing. But then what?

Everyone can play baseball. Not everyone can play the piano.

I know a lot of professional musicians but I don’t know any professional athletes. Maybe that is due to the company I choose to keep, but I think it says a lot more than that. A life in music is a very attainable goal. It’s a real possibility that is achievable through discipline and practice. But a career as an athlete is not nearly as likely to happen.

How do I know this?

I have met so many adults who tell me one of their biggest regrets is that they dropped out of piano lessons when they were young. Almost all of our adult students tell us that this is their story. These are the adults who as kids decided that baseball, basketball or soccer was more important than piano. And now, they don’t play any of those sports anymore. But they do come back for piano lessons because they realize how much they miss it.

Do you have to choose?

At some point, you are going to have to make a choice. But I think there is a third option.

Let your kids do both.

I think it is totally possible for kids to be involved in sports and music. I did it when I was a kid. I played basketball, golf, baseball and track. And at the same time, I was in symphony band, pep band, jazz band, and choir. It is absolutely doable but it will take a little discipline on your part as a parent.

Instead of letting your child do every sport under the sun, have them choose one so you can leave time for the piano lessons. That way they get the best of both worlds and get a fully enriched educational experience.

I promise, when they get older, your kids will thank you for not letting them quit on music before they realized how much of an impact it would have on their life. And that, even more than hearing them fill your home with music over the years, will be the sweetest sound of all.

What Is The Key To Being a Great Piano Player?

What is the key to being a great piano player?

There are so many things that go into being a great piano player. Patience. Discipline. Time. Energy. We could probably make a long list of things. But I think there is one quality that above all others is crucial if you want to be great.

Obsession is the key.

We often talk about obsession like it is a bad thing and for sure it can be. Obsession has been ample fodder for many Hollywood tales of love gone wrong. Or how about that detective who forgets to eat because they are so wrapped up in catching the bad guy. You’ve seen the movies. You know what I am talking about.

But there is also a positive side to obsession and it is this positive side that creates exceptional individuals, whether it is in art, politics, fitness, or any other field. Obsession creates winners.

Have you ever hung out with an exceptional musician? You may notice they can be pretty obsessive about certain things. They only like certain kinds of music. They are very specific about the gear they use. They have to sit a certain way at their instrument. If you pay close attention, you will start to see obsession at it’s best.

Why the best are the best.

There is a reason great piano players are so good at their instrument. It’s because they became obsessed with it. Ask any professional pianist and they will tell you the exact same story. It goes something like this.

When they were little, they heard someone play the piano. It may have been a parent, someone at church, or maybe they heard it on TV or the radio. Wherever their first encounter occurred, the results were always the same. They knew they loved what they heard and they knew that they had to figure out how to play like that.

They probably began tinkering at the piano before they ever took any lessons. They would sit there for hours trying to figure out songs note by note. Once they started taking lessons, they could fill in the gaps quicker which made it even more exciting.

Soon all they wanted to do was play the piano. They wanted to be the best. They wanted to play like their heroes. And as they began to learn more about music, they began to understand just how good they could be at it. It all made sense. And what didn’t make sense they were determined to figure out immediately.

Obsession or love?

This is what obsession looks like. But I think another way to put it is this is what love looks like. When you love someone, you want to spend all of your time with them. You want to get to understand them better. You want to be the best partner you can be. And you want all your friends and family to meet them so they can see how awesome they are too.

Music is the exact same way. When you know you love it, you want to spend all your time with it. You want to understand it better. You want to be the best at it. And you want to be able to share it with others so that it can bring the same joy into their life that it has brought into yours.

Embrace the obsession.

Whether you want to call it obsession or love, I am here say it is a beautiful thing. It has brought a lof of joy into my life over the years. It has also brought a lot of pain, but that’s how it goes with obsession just like love. Sometimes you get hurt, but it’s worth it in order to find the one who is going to bring so much joy into your life.

If you have the obsession don’t be afraid of it. Embrace it. Let it drive you to learn more. Let it take you to new places. It may not always be an easy road, but it will be one well worth traveling. And the world will be a better place because you did.

Why The Piano Is So Much Cooler Than Any Other Instrument

Why the piano is so much cooler than any other instrument

That’s right. I said it. The piano is way cooler than any other instrument on the planet.

That doesn’t mean I don’t love all types of musical instruments, because I do. I actually used to play trumpet in my younger years and I loved it.

I love my brother and sister musicians and have huge respect for anyone who learns to play an instrument well, so please understand this blog post is all in good fun.

I can’t play the guitar, at least not very well. And I sure can’t play the trombone, so hear me when I say that it takes time and dedication to be good at any instrument. Every instrument is needed to make the world of music the full and wonderful place that it is.

So that being said, here is why the piano is better than any other instrument.

Why The Piano Is So Much Cooler Than Any Other Instrument

  1. The piano is the only instrument that is laid out horizontally instead of vertically. It is easier to see what you are doing and understand what is going on. The guitar is vertical. Wind instruments are either vertical or use valve combinations. Most instruments tend to be very confusing at first. But the piano makes sense. You can look at a piano and start to see the patterns. You can see the black note pattern of 2 and 3. That’s why I think the piano is the best instrument to learn first. It’s not just because I am a piano player. It’s because of the way it is laid out which makes it easier to understand and learn music theory.

  2. It is super easy to play the piano. Anyone can do it. You don’t have to worry about the proper breathing techniques. Or proper mouth placement. You can just bang on the keys and music comes out. Now, that’s not to say it doesn’t take some time to learn how to make the piano sound good. But to create a sound on the piano is pretty easy compared to other instruments.

  3. You can’t play the piano out of tune. As long as the piano has been properly tuned by a professional, you will play in tune every time. There is nothing you can do in your playing to make the piano sound out of tune. I can’t think of any other instruments like that. With the guitar, you have to make sure your fingers are placed right in the center of the tabs. With wind instruments, there are a million things that can cause you to play out of tune like breath support, proper embouchure, your mouthpiece, etc. But with the piano, you just sit down and play.

  4. The piano makes you a one-man-band. More than any other instrument, you have everything you need in the piano. Your left hand can cover the bass and rhythm. Your right hand can cover the harmony and melody. You don’t need any other instruments to make a full sound. That’s why you see a lot of piano bars around the world. Have you ever seen a guitar bar or a drum bar?

  5. Piano players can play two things at the same time. With piano you have two hands, each playing different parts. Piano players have to be able to read bass clef and treble clef. We can do it all. It’s true that guitar players use both hands, but one is only for strumming or picking. Drummers are for sure the kings of rhythmic coordination, but still, they don’t have to read notes, only rhythms. With piano, we do it all - rhythm, harmony and melody. Left hand and right hand. Bass clef and treble clef.

The best place to start.

I could go on and on but my main purpose for this blog post is to show you all the wonderful qualities of the piano. If you are thinking of learning more about music, or you have a child that you want to expose to the world of music, I highly recommend starting with the piano. They may move on to other instruments down the road, but starting with the piano is going to give them a huge jump start.

What if I don’t want to buy a piano?

The one thing that can be challenging with the piano, is buying and making room for an actual piano. But I have good news for you. With all the amazing technology in the world these days, there are some amazing keyboards out there that sound and feel just like a piano. These keyboards are easy to move, easy to make room for and always stay in tune.

I actually made a Keyboard For Beginners guide. It will give you my top 5 suggestions for really affordable keyboards that sound and feel great. Hit the button below to get the guide for free!

Whatever instrument you land on, I can’t wait to see where it takes you. There is nothing like being able to play a musical instrument. I may be partial to the piano, but the truth is you can’t go wrong. Just pick one and get started today.